2023-05-15 10:33:17    国际教育网


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FCG has established a tennis team through its "Sports Empowerment" programme and continues to innovate and upgrade its characteristic sports courses. As a boarding school, FCG attaches great importance to the positive impact of sports on students" physical and mental development, allowing them to find a balance between learning and exercise. In sports, tennis is not only a competitive sport that involves victory and honour but also represents a tenacious spirit of perseverance and fearlessness in the face of difficulties.




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After 180 days of preparation, the school selected 11 outstanding students from the entire student body to form a tennis team. These 11 students will receive professional guidance and training from experienced tennis coach Stella Zhao. With her rich learning and training experience, excellent students could later be sent to the world"s most professional "IMG Academy" for training and participation in international competitions.



Specialised tennis classes cultivate students" interests in tennis according to their age groups.


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The school"s tennis speciality sports courses are designed to cultivate students" interest in tennis and improve their physical fitness while also selecting students with tennis talent to participate in various city, provincial, national and even international-level competitions, providing more opportunities for students to apply to world-renowned universities in the future.

广州斐特思特色网球课程采用世界上最先进的NSCA训练体系、国际广泛使用的ITF(International Tennis Federation)和PTR(Professional Tennis Registry)课程体系对学生进行授课。

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FCG"s tennis curriculum adopts the world"s most advanced NSCA training system and the internationally widely used ITF (International Tennis Federation) and PTR (Professional Tennis Registry) course systems to teach students.



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Considering young people"s growth patterns, the school provides professional tennis training for students of different ages. Among them, for students aged 6 to 8, the emphasis is on learning tennis knowledge and basic skills and cultivating interest. For students aged 9 to 12, the focus is on improving their tennis skills and enhancing their competitive awareness. Students who continue their studies beyond 13 will receive more professional guidance and training.



Former national athlete accompanies students" growth.


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For Stella Zhao, tennis is not just a sport but also a way of life. She started playing tennis at six and has trained in many countries, including China and the United States. Now, tennis has accompanied her for decades. At 15, Stella Zhao was selected for the Chinese national team and awarded the title of national first-level and national athlete.



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So far, Stella Zhao has eleven years of frontline tennis education experience. The students she has coached have won many honours in various tennis competitions, such as Zheng, who won first place in the women"s singles short net at the "Sports Lottery Cup" Youth Tennis League; Bai, who won first place in the transitional group doubles and second place in the transitional group singles at the 2016-2017 China Tennis Association Youth Tennis Development Alliance Elite Tournament. The schools she has coached have been named "Traditional Tennis Schools in Shenzhen" in 2015 and 2019 and "National Youth Campus Tennis Feature School" in 2018. Under the leadership of Stella Zhao, students at FCG can fully tap their potential and achieve more in the tennis field.


广州斐特思传承英国斐特思公学全民运动的理念,倡导卓越运动精神。学校致力于锻造学生对运动和体育活动的终身热爱。在课程设置方面,学校提供马术、高尔夫、游泳、网球、曲棍球等多种特色体育课程。在设施设备方面,学校提供50 米恒温泳池、国际足联认证足球场、国际篮联认证篮球场、壁球室等20余种运动设施设备与场地支持。在教师团队方面,学校打造国家级运动员和专业国际持证教练组成的师资队伍,如棒球课程由国家健将级运动员唐炜、谢海彬老师担任;篮球课程由持有美国篮球协会执照的Jon Dewalt老师担任。

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FCG inherits the "Sports for All" concept from Fettes College, UK, and advocates the spirit of excellence in sports. The school is committed to forging students" lifelong love for sports and physical activities. In terms of curriculum settings, the school provides a variety of characteristic sports courses such as equestrianism, golf, swimming, tennis, and field hockey. In terms of facilities and equipment, the school provides more than 20 sports facilities and venues, such as a 50-metre heated-controlled swimming pool, an internationally certified FIFA football field, an internationally certified FIBA basketball court, and a squash room. In terms of teachers, the school has a team of national athletes and internationally accredited coaches, such asWei TangandBinghai Xie, who are national-level athletes in charge of the baseball course, and Jon Dewalt, a certified basketball coach from the USA Basketball Association, who is in charge of the basketball course.


在学校的全力支持下, 9年级王同学曾获2022 年广州青少年高尔夫积分巡回赛冠军;10年级蔡同学曾获2021年广东省中、小学生秋季游泳锦标赛自由泳接力赛第四名;1年级苏同学曾获GDW搏击俱乐部交流赛冠军、最佳拳手等荣誉。无论学生想成为运动爱好者还是专业运动选手,广州斐特思都支持他们勇攀高峰,实现自我目标。

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With the school"s full support, Kevin Wang, a student in Grade 9, won the 2022 Guangzhou Junior Golf Tournament Champion. Harry Cai, a Grade 10 student, won fourth place in the freestyle relay at the Guangdong Province Middle and Primary School Autumn Swimming Championships in 2021. Anne Su, a student in Grade 1, won the championship and the Best Boxer award at the GDW Combat Club exchange competition. Whether students aspire to be sports enthusiasts or professional athletes, FCG supports them in reaching their goals and achieving self-improvement.



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